Orion Consulting

Organisational Development

Our consulting in the area of organisational development focuses on taking a holistic approach to improving organisational effectiveness which aligns the strategy of the business, its culture, values and structure and the performance of both individuals and teams and the organisation as a whole in delivering enhanced business results.   It is essential to address both the ‘hard’ issues of strategy and organisational design, for example, with the ‘soft’ issues of values, behaviours and attitudes to enable optimal results and to understand and address any cross organisational impact.  This approach also heightens an organisation’s readiness for change which is essential in the climate within which we all now work.

We work with our clients to create an environment within which what we do and how we do it are equally important in delivering results and protecting and enhancing the reputation of the organisation.   Working with clients to ensure that all employees understand why what they are doing is important and ensuring a clear line of sight between their work and the strategy of the organisation has proven highly effective.

Our consulting in this area has been wide-ranging and has included culture change and post-merger cultural integration, defining culture, values and behaviours and embedding these across organisations, organisational design, implementing new performance review frameworks and providing team workshops in all of these areas.

Work in this area has been undertaken with clients in a number of industry sectors, including Asset Management, Insurance, Construction, Technology and the Public Sector.

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